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Link 2 Business :: We provide business solutions to succeed...

Link 2 Business :: We provide business solutions to succeed...

Avenue du Dr Kwamé N’Krumah, secteur N°3 – Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso(+226) 50-46-46-96Facebook
Services > Marketing, fairs, translation, inspection, Philosophy 4.0
Services > intermediaries, dealers, brokers, sourcing, representatives…

If you answer "Yes" to any of these questions...

Do you have a product to be commercialized for Burkina Faso and West African market?
Do you have a business idea you'd like to introduce in Burkina Faso and West African Market?
Do you need business ideas to start a new business in Burkina Faso and West Africa?
Do you need advice and guidance on developing a business plan?
Do you need market research in Burkina Faso and West African market?
Do you need an importer for your product?
Do you need a business plan for Burkina Faso and West African market?
Do you want to find a West African sales organization for your product?
Do you need someone to manage the West African marketing of your product?

Link 2 Business can help.

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Link 2 Business :: We provide business solutions to succeed...
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